Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pen Protoype

Inspiration Object: acrylic puzzle box.
From the puzzle box I wanted to take the idea of an actual puzzle and apply it to the pen.

First Design:

Second/Final Design:

The pen mimics the puzzle concept of the acrylic puzzle box. It also shares he idea of a puzzle that contains or goes around another object. The puzzle box can be built up around other layers of itself or objects can be put inside. Similarly the puzzle feature of he pen surrounds the functional part of the pen which also surrounds the ink which to many is the beginning of potential writings and drawings that may be precious to it's owner. The puzzle box may contain precious items the puzzle pen may create precious things.

Who is this pen for? Anyone with a constructive curiosity who loves puzzles.

When and where this pen will be used? Wherever a pen or small distraction is needed.

Market comparisons - Most puzzle pens seem to be much more contained as they do not have removable pieces. A common puzzle pen in the maze pen where you can navigate a small silver ball up and down a maze contained inside the pen.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pens pens pens...

My initial designs were based on my design for a puzzle box toy for PD 410. After a few puzzle ideas my pen designs gravitated towards new mechanisms for the pen.

Monday, April 5, 2010

how to see - assignment 1





Things that made us smile.